Why You Should Have a Good Blog Up and Running The perfect tools to run along side your internet business is without doubt a good blog and SEO. These are unrivaled means when it comes to linking with prospects and possible customers. The most important or one of the most important parts is the effect it will have on your Search Engine Optimization [SEO]. I think you can see what a perfect way that blogging can be to benefit your business with a steady stream of organic posts to your blog. In my mind there can be no easier way, by just changing a few keywords every now and again of getting good quality free traffic to your website. As I have said in previous articles, pushing yourself to write weekly updates in your blog while adding relevant adwords all of the time, can lead to astonishing results to the ranking of your website by all of the search engines. Straight away you will start seeing a difference to the flow of traffic to your website, believe me I know writing a post can take quite a long time sometimes, but when you evaluate the time and the results you can get, its worth every second. Also a good way of getting more traffic is to start using "niche"keywords, hence filtering out more targeted traffic. I will try and explain what I mean and how to use "niche" keywords. If you used the word " bike"as your "niche" keyword you could be sure that it is well used, hence making it very competitive. If you have for argument sake "Two Wheel Push Bike"this phrase is going to be no where near as competitive and most likely exactly what the person is looking for in your blog. Being recognized by most of the search engines is going to explode the traffic which is ultimately going to end up at your site. In my own experience I do believe if you do the proper research on the keywords that you are going to use you will generally find you get alot more traffic. One thing for sure if you write a good post in your blog its odds on that the search engines will pick it up very quickly, thus proving what a fantastic tool your blog can be. It is a well known fact that people using Wordpress seem to get indexed a lot quicker than most of the others except Google Blogger. Nearly all of the search engines will rate your site with some sort of quality score, obviously this will determine how good your ranking will be. It goes without saying the more decent content you give and good value will also determine how you fare. It does not take alot of intelligence to work out if your blog consists purely of affiliate links and looks like one big sales page the chances are that the search engines are going to rank you really low. Say for argument sake you have a blog that is rich in good keywords updated posts full of good content and great value it goes without saying the chances are you are going to get a good ranking. To me this is just another step forward in my student course with Alex Jeffreys and how he has taught me. I hope you can take something out of this as well and put it to good use. Dont forget you have got nothing to lose except a load of free traffic. So what are you waiting for get your blog set up and running, and start getting your free traffic. Derek Overington Blog: http://www.ToGoodToMention.com Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Derek_Overington |
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