Visit our Newest
Web Sites

Tropical Island Weddings

Fish for the Kids

David Critzer, Realtor - Coldwell Banker Residential Real Estate, Naples

Olde Marco Penthouses

The Muck-About Journal - Summer 2002

Jeff Ripple - Fine Art Landscape Photographer

Olde Marco Weddings

Tarpon Tamer Charters

The Banyan Resort Key West

Royal West Indies Resort Turks & Caicos Islands

Marco Island Weddings

Ivey House - redesign

Vanderbilt Inn - Naples - site update Another ci-Interactive Travel and Leisure Portal

Village View Motel

Olde Marco Island Inn and Suites - Welcome back to ci-Interactive!

Visit Naples Online

Key West Florida Online

Club Naples

Master Link Club Staffing

Sunshine Ace Hardware-redesign

Visit Florida Online

Langford Ford

Key West's Finest Accommodations

Beach Club Colony Hotel and Dive Resort

Naples Downtown

Visit Orlando Online

Visit South Beach Online

Send a Cyber Postcard

Several of our sites now offer free Cyber Postcard service -- Check it out

Olde Marco Island Inn & Suites
Jeff Ripple
Naples Downtown
Niki Butcher
Caribbean Gardens
Big Cypress Gallery
Clyde Butcher

Marco Island Restaurants
South Beach Resorts
Ivey House

Do You Use Email Signatures?
Have you set up your outgoing email's SIGNATURE? -- it is a great way to promote your website! Add a Signature to ALL email you send, by adding a couple of lines at the bottom, like this:

Joe Smith
Best Painter in Mexico!

If you use Outlook you can set this up by selecting TOOLS - OPTIONS - MAIL FORMAT - SIGNATURE PICKER and then EDIT -- add your signature information and click OK and ALL your emails will be sent out with your signature information!

Search Engine Update

FLASH sites -- How to Avoid Search Engine Roadblocks...

If you have a FLASH website or you are thinking about putting one online, then this is important information about getting listed in the search engines.... May 1, 2002 article in Traffick explains "search engines are not currently indexing Flash, and can't read the information contained within the Flash. This means that all of the important information, or an entire category of your site that is built with Flash is not readable by the search engines and therefore not able to be indexed."

The article explains the importance of having HTML content available for spiders and robots to read and index. It also offers some tips on the proper use of FLASH.....

" There is a proper way to use Flash on a website and a very bad way to use Flash. If you are going to use Flash, there are a few things to remember when designing or building your site.....

Previous Search Engine Updates >>

The ci-Interactive Search/Resource Page

Virus News and Global Virus Tracking>>

Net Q&A

This section is provided to help explain commonly used internet terms in an easily understood manner -- the information is not meant to be 100% technically exact....

Instructions for Reading Email Headers at

Previous Q & A's >>

Previous ci-Insider News

June, 2002 / April, 2002 / February, 2002

Southwest Florida Guide

Florida Fishing Information

Naples Florida downtown guide includes Third Street, Fifth Avenue and Crayton Cove information

Florida Outdoors with information about parks, fishing, hunting, boating, camping

ci-Interactive award winning web site design, hosting and marketing

Islands Information Worldwide

Goodland Florida

The Shopping Network - Shopping Made Simple

Naples Real Estate Online